Final Fantasy - Pixel Remaster: How to Fix the Ugly Font

Since the announcement of the Final Fantasy: Pixel Remaster A month ago, one aspect of many fans is a mandrel in mind: the font. As an attack on the eyes and barely readable, many titled the scriptures of the retro new editions.

Because parts 1 - 3 have just appeared and players do not want to follow the ophthalmologist to pick up glasses, fans already crafted in a way to solve the problem. We tell you how you can protect your eyes if you do not want to miss the nostalgia trip.

How to get the font in the Final Fantasy: Pixel Remaster under control

RPG Site has nicely made a trouble writing a step-by-step guide that explains how to read the font in the Steam version. An eye-friendly font is quite present in the game and even in English. The only hook: exclusively in the Japanese version.

So that you can sit outside the country of the rising sun in the morning with clear views on the computer, we share the instructions with you. Since the readable font is already included in the files of the game, nothing new must be added, but only a bit recovered. So you do not have to worry about your game.

Step by step to eye play

First, you now open the local Fantal Fantasy files (Buy Now): Pixel Remaster. About "Final Fantasy_Data" you reach "Streamingassets", where you find the different fonts, so fonts. Now cut off the two files "font_en.bundle" and "font_en.manifest" and inserts them on a safe location on your computer to save the files as a backup.

Then you copy the two files "font_ja.bundle" and "font_ja.manifest", which saves you as a backup as well. Now you have to rename the two files "font_ja.bundle" and "font_ja.manifest" in the "Streamingassets" folder by replacing the "yes" by a "en".

Then add the previously somewhere else "font_ja.bundle" and "font_ja.manifest" back to the "streamingassets" folder, so that the game does not complain about missing files and refuses to load.

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Now you almost did it! You only need to make sure that your language is set in the game in English. RPG Site points out that due to the non-adapted font, the now more readable texts could occasionally go beyond the text boxes. But you are not stumbled there about this problem.

So the trick should work for other languages

Steam users travel destination explains in a small guide on Steam, as this trick should work for other languages. In addition to the English font files, you still have to remove the language in the appropriate language (for German that would be the files with "DE") and then the Japanese Font files can be inserted again.

Now you do not have to replace that "yes" by "en", but with the corresponding two letters your language, for german so "de". It is important that you still perform the fix for the English font because the other languages ​​relate to some english files. Good succeed!

Source: RPG Site

From Jonas Höger author 01.08.2021 at 12:01 o'clock

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