How do I solve the Resident Evil 2-Plug Puzzle? Place the chess pieces to open the door of the surveillance room - Evil - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cultu

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* Place these chess pieces in the right place and open the U-door in Resident Evil 2 The Resident Evil 2 Chess Plug Puzzle is probably the hardest thing in the game, and if you want to open the monitor door in the sewer, you can not handle it. To solve the problem, you must find the plug of the chess character and then decode a poem to find out where they can distribute them over several sockets. Fortunately, you do not really need to clarify things, you can just use the answer we will now give you for Leon and Claire. How to find the chess plugs, open the door of the sewage monitor room and place the chess plugs correctly to continue with your life and resident Evil 2. _ * Resident Evil 2 Instructions _


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