Tails of Iron: The harmonious Gamescom

A few weeks ago, the developers of Old Bug Studios already confirmed that the slightly different fantasy adventure Tails of Iron will be published for the PC and consoles in the coming months.

In addition to this, the Indie-Studio used the digital gamescom 2021 to present us a new trailer to Trails of Iron. This not only provides you with fresh game scenes from the unusual role-playing game. In addition, a bit closer to the story, the game world and the playful implementation of the animal adventure.

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In the footsteps of the soulslike titles

Playfully, Tails of Iron is guided by official information on the classic soulslike titles and provides you with a versatile combat system in which it arrives equally on escape roles, counter and powerful attacks. At the same time, she explores a spacious and deceptive kingdom, which is composed of six different biodes with numerous secrets.

on the subject : Tails of Iron: the release date and a new trailer to the hand-drawn roleplay

Loyal companions, complex struggles and customizable equipment underpin the rousing story in this immersive, hand-drawn 2D world full of surprises, continues the official description.

Tails of Iron will be released on September 17, 2021 for the PC, the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation 5, the Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and Nintendos Switch.

Further news about Tails of Iron.

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