The Kingdoms of Amalur staff receives the latest payment checks 9 years later

The former staff members of the late developer 38 Studios are beginning to receive their last payment checks for their work in reinos de amalur: adjustment of accounts. 38 Studios broke in 2012, leaving many employees waiting for the rest of their salary for almost 9 years. According to Bloomberg reports, about 400 employees will receive checks, and the percentage will vary according to the office for which the employee worked. The employees of the Rhode Island studies will receive only 14% of the payment that are owed, while the employees of the Maryland studies will receive 20%. Some employees apparently reported having received the checks, while others reported that they were sent to ancient directions.

The former employee of 38 studios, Bill Mueller, shared on Twitter that he received a check for his previous work, but according to the developer, the amount does not even cover taxes / fines of 401K that we had to withdraw to pay medical bills . Apparently, Mueller's wife was pregnant at that time and the sudden closure of the study left them without health insurance.

It took me 9 years, but finally I got a check of the 38 studies that possessed me for the work I did, but they never paid me. It was less than 15% of what was really about. It does not even cover the taxes / fines of the 401K that we had to withdraw to pay for medical bills.

  • Bill Mueller (@billsudio) August 11, 2021

For many, this is a bittersweet. It is good that employees have finally received something for their hard work, but the insignificant amount of so many years later is probably frustrating. It seems that many other employees faced similar problems with bills related to the transfer of Massachusetts company to Rhode Island. Mueller joined Zenimax Online Studios as an audio leader, but it is not clear how many other former employees remained in the game industry after the closing of 38 studios.

Although 38 Studios left long ago, the rights of Kingdoms of Amalur were acquired by Thq Nordic. Meallos de Amalur: RE- Estimation, Remastering of the game, is currently available at PlayStation, Xbox, PC and Nintendo Switch.

Are you surprised that these developers have taken them so much time to charge? You were a fan of Amalur_? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter in @marcdachamp to talk about everything related to games!


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