What if ...?: The new mid-sesuperhero groupon trailer presents the Guardians of the Multiverse

What if ...? , the animated series of Marvel Studios that is emitting its first sesuperhero groupon these weeks through Disney + , reaches its Ecuador and that is why its responsible people have shared a new trailer mid-sesuperhero groupon in which they review some of the key points of the previous five episodes and offer us a look at what is to come through the next four chapters, with an advance that will be The new superhero group with the Guardians of the Multiverse .

Crossover of the Multiverse of Marvel

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And is it that everything does not point to the end of this first sesuperhero groupon of what if ...? It will allow us to enjoy a new group of superhero that, somehow or another, will be able to meet to deal with the threats of the multiverse ; Maybe a much more dangerous and threatening ultron? This new trailer that you can see leading this news so suggests, all through a reimagination of the iconic cinematographic flat of the first delivery of avengers in which we see how the camera revolves around the superheroes, although in this occsuperhero groupion with unprecedented protagonists.

This new trailer already shows us unpublished scenes of the following episodes, with several of its protagonist characters. At the moment, we can already enjoy the new episode starring KillMonger , the Villain of the Black Panther film played by actor Michael B. Jordan. Soon the following episodes will come with the so-called Thor Party and another by turning around the aforementioned Ultron .

A few months ago the second sesuperhero groupon of what if ...? In Disney + for 2022, with new multiverse stories starring UCM superheroes, this time, with characters from the current phsuperhero groupe 4 included. In addition, Marvel Studios announced that they are already working on new animation series , without confirming titles or thematic.


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