2D Seoul Like sequel Salt and Sacrifice PC version is EPIC GAMES store monopoly-scheduled for the first quarter of 2022

Ska Studios announced that the release date is the first quarter of 2022 for Salt and Sacrific Salt and Sacrifice .

This work is released in 2016 and followed the Salt and Sanctuary , which was popular as 2D Seoul Like. The adventure is drawn to save the kingdom by the protagonist, which has a sinful past, covered with evil magic and corrupted kingdom. The main character has eight initial classes such as warriors, clergy and sage, and customizing the contents of the appearance and committed sin.

In addition, this work also supports online play. It is possible to cooperate with a specific user to advance the adventure and use the quick play function to temporarily summon random users. Furthermore, because there is also a PVP function but also PVP functionality, it is sometimes enthusiastic with the user who has entered. If you are not interested in PVP, you can avoid by playing offline or setting a password.

Salt and Sacrifice will be released in the first quarter of 2022 in 19.99 for PC (Epic Games Store) / PS4 / PS5. At the time of article writing, no Japanese is included in the released language.


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