Valorant: The 'top' player who can stay out of the big leagues next season

Less than 48 hours are missing for the Valorant signing market to be closed and there are still many unknowns to solve. What teams will form KOI, Giants or Heretics, or where several Latin American players will go, they are the main concerns of Spanish speakers, who always have a large mass of followers behind them.

One of the great unknowns is to know ** where Knit will end next year. Of the destination that could end within the 30 teams that will participate in the VCT.

Will Knit stay out of franchises?

Knit's possible destination could be far from the franchises , according to Flynn_SLR, a recommended account to follow the signing period and has an interesting table with the current situation of these franchise equipment in their Twitter header: The rumors that I have heard point out that it will stay in an ascension team in LATAM. The reasons are that conversations with Na franchise organizations did not work, and he prefers to go to a Spanish-speaking quintet and all Spanish franchise organizations opted for English-speaking teams.

The player himself responded to tweet by dealing the information, but there are certain doubts to know Knit's fate, since every hour that passes, there are fewer holes for him in these leagues.

The language barrier, the big problem for Knit

The former GRU player has an important handicap, and is the language barrier. Apparent language. As we know, the competitive of this shorter tactical needs a lot of coordination and to be of each movement you make, so you could miss a lot of valuable information round after round.

In spite of this, Knit's incorporation into any team would be more than positive at the image and marketing level, since Chilean is one of the most recognized figures on Valorant's competitive panorama, and, in addition, it would bring with He to many Latin America fans, who has been achieving throughout these last two competitive seasons.

When As a general rule, The leakers usually fully give this type of information, although sometimes they do not hit all their reports 100%. We will see if this time is fulfilled or not and if Knit finds a place in the best leagues in the world, that he would deserve to be in them.


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