The best nature for Koiridon in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

The choice of nature can be complicated, especially for powerful Pokémon, such as Coin on from Pokemon Scarlet. This choice can be facilitated in several ways, but with so many options it can be difficult to narrow the choice of the best. This leadership will help people find the best nature for Cordon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

What nature is best suited for Gordon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Corridor is a powerful legendary Pokémon available to Pokemon Scarlet players. The best natures for Gordon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:

  • Lonely (+attack, Protection)
  • Adamant (+attack, a special attack)

The best natures for Gordon is lonely as well as adamant. This is due to the fact that Gordon has a powerful characteristic of attacks and a fantastic set of physical techniques that players can use. These two natures will increase the attacking potential of the Wooden even more.

How to choose the best nature in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

The best way to choose nature is to look at the set of movements and the basic statistics of the Pokémon and choose a nature that complements them well. This is not always reliable, as it is necessary to consider things such as the style of play and abilities, but this is a good first step.


The nature of the Pokémon should reflect the movements available to them. If Pokémon mainly relies on physical attacks, then nature should increase the attack indicator. If this does not help narrow the options, players can look at the basic statistics of Pokémon. The best natures often increase stronger characteristics and reduce lower ones.

Best Nature Map in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Nature Increased characteristics Reduced characteristics
Lonely Attack Protection
Adamant Attack Special attack
Naughty Attack Special protection
Brave Attack Speed
Brave Protection Attack
mischievous Protection Special attack
Lax Protection Special protection
Relaxed Protection Speed
Modest Special attack Attack
Insignificant Special attack Protection
Rash Special attack Special protection
Quiet Special attack Speed
Calm Special protection Attack
Delicate Special protection Protection
Caution Special protection Special attack
Daring Special protection Speed
Timid Speed Attack
Hasty Speed Protection
Cheerful Speed Special attack
Naive Speed Special protection
Hardy - -
obedient - -
Shy - -
Bad - -
Serious - -

Interested in other useful manuals Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and want to know more? Check out the Best Nature for Scream Tail in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet in Pro Game Guides!


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