The best nature for Orthworm in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet


Pokémon Scarlet and Wales are teeming with life, with many new and old Pokémon, which you can take with you on a trip to the Pale region. Regardless of whether the players decide to focus on a competitive game or simply want to find the most effective fighter for their passage, the nature of the Pokémon is an important aspect of the battle. Nature can have a strong influence on the increase and decrease in the characteristics of the monster, so the choice between different options can be difficult. For those who find it difficult to narrow their choice, here are some of the best natures for Orchid in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

What nature is best suited for an orthocerian in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

A giant worm that does not have evolution, like Klein. The best natures for Northerly in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:

  • mischievous (+defense, a special attack)
  • Cheerful (+speed, a special attack)

Orthchevu has great potential to become a tank in any team, but he also has a speed necessary in order to get ahead of many opponents. The mischievous as well as cheerful are great naturals, because they emphasize these strengths, as well as downplay the meaning of a special attack. Most of the attacks of Northerly are physical, which means that special attacks are best ignored.

How to choose the best nature in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

The choice of better nature for any Pokémon can be complicated. Players should focus on several things when making a decision, namely on a pool of moves and basic statistics. Players should pay attention to which techniques can learn Pokémon, and choose Nature, which complements the pool of potential attacks. If Pokémon greatly prefers special attacks, then the characteristic of a special attack should be priority. The basic characteristics of Pokémon are also important because they give players a good idea of which nature goes well with Pokémon skills. Select Natures that increase the most powerful characteristics of the Pokémon and reduce the weakest ones.

Best Nature Map in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Nature Increased characteristics Reduced characteristics
Lonely Attack Protection
Adamant Attack Special attack
Naughty Attack Special protection
Brave Attack Speed
Brave Protection Attack
mischievous Protection Special attack
Lax Protection Special attack
Relaxed Protection Speed
Modest Special attack Attack
Insignificant Special attack Protection
Rash Special attack Special protection
Quiet Special attack Speed
Calm Special protection Attack
Delicate Special protection Protection
Caution Special protection Special attack
Daring Special protection Speed
Timid Speed Attack
Hasty Speed Protection
Cheerful Speed Special attack
Naive Speed Special protection
Hardy - -
obedient - -
Shy - -
Bad - -
Serious - -

Interested in other useful manuals Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and want to know more? Check out the Best Nature for Little and Empathy in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet in the professional game guide!


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